LOW COST HOME DECORATING TIPS Written by | Rishabh Shukla aka Painter Babu


•Originally Published on•


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‘On the Dot’ brings you the latest news, views, analysis and images from India and around the world and provide a deeper insight and perspective to burning issues through a narrative that is fresh, fearless and fiery.

Painter| Journalist| Art Activist | Design Entrepreneur

Featured on 🎥📽️ ✓ India Voice | ETv | News Nation | Zee News | Talkistan | Power Code

Experience 💼 • 12+ Years |


 Earned Double M.A Degrees in Ancient Indian history, culture and archaeology and English Literature | Studied Interior Design and Visual Merchandising | Holds Sangeet Prabhakar Degree in Indian Classical Percussion instrument Tabla |

Exhibitions and Trade Fairs

20+ Group and solo |

Accolades ✓

° The story behind the most admirable products of our label named as desi dolls and chemo dolls has covered by renowned news channels, print and online media like India voice, Zee news, ETV, Micircles, Eenadu India, The rising Star, Kerala Mirror, Cultural Mosaic to name a few.

° Got featured on The Elegant Life as young Indian entrepreneur who successfully started with almost nothing and set a milestone in his 20s.

° Success Story got featured on YouTube Channel.

° Received Excellence Award in fine arts from Uttar Pradesh Art Society in the year 2016.

° Youth Trailblazer Award in Contemporary writing from North Indian Merchants'Association in 2017.

° Received Excellence Award for the best performance in the year 2018-2019 from Sakhi Kendra.

° Honoured  with Excellence Award for the best strategic plans by Sakhi Kendra.

° Prerna for all : Award of Excellence by Prerna Mahila Samiti (Shramik Bharti's federation).

Publications and Media ✓

Envision 2030 | 17 SDGs to transform the world | 

copyright©2O20. Rishabh Shukla. All rights reserved

No part of this publication may be reproduced , stored in a  retrieval system or transmitted , in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner.  

Copyright infringement is never intended, if we published some of your work, and you feel we didn't credited properly, or you want us to remove it, please let us know and we'll do it immediately. 
