These Bold Anti-Rape Culture Paintings by Visual Artist Rishabh Are Impossible to Ignore.

'Swapnil Saundarya' For a Cause : FIGHT AGAINST RAPE

Yes ! I Am Bold


When it comes to protecting women from sexual assault—the country has failed pretty miserably.Almost all rapists go unpunished, the majority of female victims are too scared to speak up, and heck—doesn’t it feel like we spend a lot more time teaching women how to not get raped, as opposed to teaching guys not to rape at all?  

In an effort to shine a spotlight on rape indifference, Visual Artist- Interior Designer Rishabh aka Painter Babu  has launched a series of “Anti-Rape Culture Paintings ”—that include bold language about the realities and prevalence of sexual assault.

YES ! I AM BOLD  is a collection of paintings by Interior Designer, Painter and Arts Journalist  Rishabh that speak out against Rape 


“I just want to sleep. A coma would be nice. Or amnesia. Anything, just to get rid of this, these thoughts, whispers in my mind. Did he rape my head, too?” 

Every Rapist must shiver with fear before even thinking of rape . If the law cannot protect you , you have to protect yourself.

Ignore my lipstick color and listen to what I am trying to tell.  

I can't say NO to my Boyfriend or Husband !

It's Not Sex...When she's  wasted .
Don't be that Guy.

Don't tell me how to dress . Tell them not to rape 

It's not Sex ....When he changes his mind.

When she was drunk ...I backed off because My strength is not for Hurting .
Men can Stop Rape

He had lusty eyes...He Had 9" Dick ...but it was his past .
What so Cruel ??????
It's just two drops of Acid 

Physical Castration  as Punishment for Rape ..Why Not ???


Now, should we treat women as independent agents, responsible for themselves? Of course. But being responsible has nothing to do with being raped. Women don’t get raped because they were drinking or took drugs. Women do not get raped because they weren’t careful enough. Women get raped because someone raped them.

Rape is one of the most terrible crimes on earth and it happens every few minutes. The problem with groups who deal with rape is that they try to educate women about how to defend themselves. What really needs to be done is teaching men not to rape. Go to the source and start there.
